Bibliography of Eberle, Kurt
- 2012
- Eberle, Kurt; Eckart, Kerstin; Heid, Ulrich; Haselbach, Boris
A Tool/Database Interface for Multi-Level Analyses
in Proceedings of the eighth conference on International Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC'12) European Language Resources Association (ELRA), Istanbul, Turkey.
- Haselbach, Boris; Eckart, Kerstin; Seeker, Wolfgang; Eberle, Kurt; Heid, Ulrich
Approximating Theoretical Linguistics Classification in Real Data: the Case of German ``nach'' Particle Verbs
in Proceedings of COLING 2012 pp. 1113-1128 The COLING 2012 Organizing Committee, Mumbai, India.
- 2011
- Eberle, Kurt; Heid, Ulrich; Faaß, Gertrud
Approximating the disambiguation of some German nominalizations by use of weak structural, lexical and corpus information
Revista Procesamiento de Lenguaje Natural 46:67-74.
- 2010
- Eckart, Kerstin; Eberle, Kurt; Heid, Ulrich
An Infrastructure for More Reliable Corpus Analysis
in Proceedings of the Workshop on Web Services and Processing Pipelines in HLT: Tool Evaluation, LR Production and Validation (LREC'10) pp. 8-14 Valletta, Malta.
- 2009
- Eberle, Kurt; Faaß, Gertrud; Heid, Ulrich
Corpus-based identification and disambiguation of reading indicators for German nominalizations
in Proceedings of "Corpus Linguistics 2009" Liverpool (Elektronische Publikation).
- Eberle, Kurt; Faaß, Gertrud; Heid, Ulrich
Proposition oder Temporalangabe? Disambiguierung von ung-Nominalisierungen von verba dicendi in nach-PPs
in R. Chiarcos, C.and Eckart de Castilho and M. Stede, editors, Von der Form zur Bedeutung: Texte automatisch verarbeiten. From form to meaning: processing texts automatically. Proceedings of the biannual GSCL conference 2009 pp. 81 -- 91 Gunter Narr, Tübingen.
- 2008
- Eberle, Kurt; Heid, Ulrich; Kountz, Manuel; Eckart, Kerstin
A tool for corpus analysis using partial disambiguation and bootstrapping of the lexicon
in A. Storrer; A. Geyken; A. Siebert and K.-M. Würzner, editors, Text Resources and Lexical Knowledge: Selected Papers from the 9th Conference on Natural Language Processing KONVENS 2008 pp. 145-158 De Gruyter, Berlin.
- Eberle, Kurt; Rapp, Reinhard
Rapid Construction of Explicative Dictionaries Using Hybrid Machine Translation
in A. Storrer; A. Geyken; A. Siebert and K.-M. Würzner, editors, Text Resources and Lexical Knowledge: Selected Papers from the 9th Conference on Natural Language Processing KONVENS 2008 De Gruyter, Berlin.
- 2006
- Eberle, Kurt
Maschinelle "Ubersetzung - Hopp oder top? Stand der Entwicklung, Trends und Perspektiven
MD"U - Mitteilungen f"ur Dolmetscher und "Ubersetzer 4.
- 2004
- Eberle, Kurt
Flat underspecified representation and its meaning for a fragment of German
Habilitationsschrift Universität Stuttgart Stuttgart.
- 2003
- Eberle, Kurt
Anaphernresolution in flach analysierten Texten f"ur Recherche und "Ubersetzung
in Uta Seewald-Heeg, editor, GLDV-Jahrestagung 2003 Gardez!, Köthen.
- Eberle, Kurt
Coordination, incorporation and dynamic semantic representation in transfer
in Proceedings of the EAMT-CLAW conference 2003 Dublin.
- Eberle, Kurt
Textverstehen und Wissensmanagement
in Gerd Willé; Bernhard Schröder and Hans-Christian Schmitz, editors, Computerlinguistik. Was geht, was kommt? pp. 52-57 Gardez !, Sankt Augustin.
- 2002
- Eberle, Kurt
Tense and Aspect Information in a FUDR-based German French Machine Translation System
in Hans Kamp and Uwe Reyle, editors, How we say WHEN it happens. Contributions to the theory of temporal reference in natural language pp. 97-148 Niemeyer, Tübingen ling. Arbeiten, Band 455.
- 2001
- Eberle, Kurt
FUDR-based MT, head switching and the lexicon
in Proceedings of the eighth Machine Translation Summit Santiago de Compostela.
- Eberle, Kurt
Translation mismatches in lexically-driven FUDR-based MT
in Proceedings: Huitième conférence annuelle sur le traitement automatique des langues naturelles, TALN2001 Université de Tours.
- 2000
- Eberle, Kurt
A lexicalist version of Machine Translation
in Konvens 2000, Tagungsband zur 5. Konferenz Verarbeitung natürlicher Sprache Ilmenau.
- 1999
- Blok, Peter I.; Eberle, Kurt
What is the Alternative - The computation of focus alternatives from lexical and sortal information
in Peter Bosch and Rob van der Sandt, editors, Focus and Natural Language Processing Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.
- 1998
- Eberle, Kurt
The Influence of Plural NPs on Aktionsart in DRT
in Fritz Hamm and Erhard Hinrichs, editors, Plural Quantification Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht.
- 1997
- Eberle, Kurt
Flat underspecified representation and its meaning for a fragment of German
Arbeitspapiere des Sonderforschungsbereichs 340 em Sprachtheoretische Grundlagen für die Computerlinguistik 120 Universität Stuttgart Stuttgart.
- Eberle, Kurt; Vogel, Carl
Constructing Compact Representations of Ambiguous Language
in Proceedings of the conference about recent advances in NLP, RANLP 97 Tzigov Chark, Bulgaria.
- 1996
- Eberle, Kurt
Comments on R. Muskens' Underspecified Semantics
in Proceedings of the Friedenweiler-Konferenz.
- Eberle, Kurt
Disambiguation by Information Structure in DRT
in Proceedings of Coling Copenhagen.
- 1995
- Blok, Peter I.; Eberle, Kurt
What is the Alternative
in Peter Bosch and Rob van der Sandt, editors, Focus and Natural Language Processing number 2 in Working Papers of the Institute of Logic and Linguistics IBM Heidelberg.
- Buschbeck, B.; Butt, M.; {}, {}; Damova, M.; Dorna, M.; Eberle, K.; Emele, M.; Nübel, R.; Reinhard, S.; Ripplinger, B.; Schiehlen, M.; Schmid, H.
Transfer in the Verbmobil Demonstrator
Verbmobil Report 147 IAI Saarbrücken and IBM Deutschland Informationssysteme GmbH and Institut für Maschinelle Sprachverarbeitung, Universität Stuttgart and Seminar für Sprachwissenschaft, Universität Tübingen.
- Eberle, Kurt
Zu einer Semantik für Dialogverstehen und Übersetzung
Verbmobil Report 83 Institut f"ur Maschinelle Sprachverarbeitung, Universit"at Stuttgart.
- 1994
- Dorna, M.; Eberle, K.; Emele, M.; Rupp, C.J.
Semantik-orientierter rekursiver Transfer in HPSG am Beispiel des Referenzdialogs
Verbmobil Report 39 Institut f"ur Maschinelle Sprachverarbeitung, Universit"at Stuttgart.
- Rupp, C.J.; Rohrer, Christian; Eberle, Kurt; Schiller, Anne
Lexicalised Transfer for the Verbmobil Demonstrator
iMS, Universität Stuttgart, Germany.