
  author = {Eberle, Kurt and Faa{ß}, Gertrud and Heid, Ulrich},
  title = {Proposition oder Temporalangabe? Disambiguierung von ung-Nominalisierungen
	von verba dicendi in nach-PPs},
  booktitle = {Von der Form zur Bedeutung: Texte automatisch verarbeiten. From form
	to meaning: processing texts automatically. Proceedings of the biannual
	GSCL conference 2009},
  year = {2009},
  editor = {Chiarcos, C.and Eckart de Castilho, R. and Stede, M.},
  pages = {81 -- 91},
  address = {T{ü}bingen},
  publisher = {Gunter Narr}