
@InProceedings{ Reiter2017ac,
   Title = {{To GUI or not to GUI?}},
   Address = { Chemnitz, Germany },
   Author = { Nils Reiter and Jonas Kuhn and Marcus Willand },
   Editor = { Maximilian Eibl and Martin Gaedke },
   Booktitle = { INFORMATIK 2017 },
   Pages = { 1179-1184 },
   Volume = { 275 },
   Publisher = { Gesellschaft f{ΓΌ}r Informatik e.V. },
   Series = { Lecture Notes in Informatics (LNI) },
   Isbn = { 978-3-88579-669-5 },
   Month = { September },
   Doi = { 10.18420/in2017_119 },
   Year = { 2017 }