
  author = {Hess, Michael and Mahlow, Cerstin},
  title = {{Sentence Completion Tests in a Virtual Laboratory}},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of the German e-Science Conference},
  year = {2007},
  month = may,
  organization = {Helmholtz Gesellschaft, Max-Planck-Gesellschaft, Hochschulrektorenkonferenz},
  abstract = {{This Paper describes a type of on-line test, the Sentence Completion
	Test (SCT), that tries to fill the gap between rigid Multiple Choice
	tests and unreliable automatic essay grading approaches. We give
	a short overview of the main concepts, the implementation and show
	examplary uses and applications. SCTs are used as one component in
	a fully operational virtual laboratory of Computational Linguistics
	in use at the University of Zurich.}},
  citeulike-article-id = {2635454},
  journal = {German e-Science Conference 2007},
  keywords = {clab, elearning, mahlow, set},
  posted-at = {2008-04-06 21:52:05},
  priority = {0},
  url = {}