author = {Mahlow, Cerstin and Piotrowski, Michael},
title = {{Noun Phrase Chunking and Categorization for Authoring Aids}},
booktitle = {Semantic Approaches in Natural Language Processing: Proceedings of
the Conference on Natural Language Processing 2010 (KONVENS)},
year = {2010},
editor = {Pinkal, Manfred and Rehbein, Ines and Schulte im Walde, Sabine and
Storrer, Angelika},
pages = {57-65},
address = {Saarbr{ü}cken, Germany},
publisher = {Universaar},
abstract = {{Effective authoring aids, whether for novice, second-language, or
experienced writers, require linguistic knowledge. With respect to
depth of analysis, authoring aids that aim to support revising and
editing go beyond POS-tagging but cannot work on complete, mostly
well-formed sentences to perform deep syntactic analysis, since a
text undergoing revision is in a constant state of flux. In order
to cope with incomplete and changing text, authoring aids for revising
and editing thus have to use shallow analyses, which are fast and
robust. In this paper, we discuss noun phrase chunking for German
as resource for language-aware editing functions as developed in
the LingURed project. We will identify requirements for resources
with respect to availability, interactivity, performance and quality
of results. From our experiments we also provide some information
concerning ambiguity of German noun phrases.}},
citeulike-article-id = {7812050},
isbn = {978-3-86223-004-4},
keywords = {german, nlp, noun_phrases},
location = {Saarbr{ü}cken},
posted-at = {2010-09-11 17:43:08},
priority = {0},
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