
  author = {Mahlow, Cerstin and Piotrowski, Michael},
  title = {{SMM}: Detailed, Structured Morphological Analysis for {Spanish}},
  journal = {Polibits. Computer science and computer engineering with applications},
  year = {2009},
  pages = {41-48},
  number = {39},
  abstract = {{We present a morphological analyzer for Spanish called SMM. SMM is
	implemented in the grammar development framework Malaga, which is
	based on the formalism of Left-Associative Grammar. We briefly present
	the Malaga framework, describe the implementation decisions for some
	interesting morphological phenomena of Spanish, and report on the
	evaluation results from the analysis of corpora. SMM was originally
	only designed for analyzing word forms; in this article we outline
	two approaches for using SMM and the facilities provided by Malaga
	to also generate verbal paradigms. SMM can also be embedded into
	applications by making use of the Malaga programming interface; we
	briefly discuss some application scenarios.}},
  citeulike-article-id = {4172130},
  editor = {Sidorov, Grigori},
  keywords = {diss, lag, malaga, morphology, nlp, smm, spanish},
  posted-at = {2009-03-13 17:25:01},
  priority = {0}