
  title = {New Perspectives on Case and Case Theory},
  publisher = {CSLI publications, Stanford},
  year = {2003},
  editor = {Brandner, Ellen and Heike Zinsmeister}

  author = {Stefanie Dipper and Melanie Seiss and Heike Zinsmeister},
  title = {The Use of Parallel and Comparable Data for Analysis of Abstract
	Anaphora in {G}erman and {E}nglish},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of the LREC-12},
  year = {2012},
  address = {Istanbul, Turkey},
  keywords = {gcl,clarin},
  pdf = {}

  author = {Krenn, Brigitte and Evert, Stefan and Zinsmeister, Heike},
  title = {Determining Intercoder Agreement for a Collocation Identification
  booktitle = {Proceedings of KONVENS 2004},
  year = {2004},
  address = {Vienna, Austria},
  keywords = {CorpLex, collocations, evaluation, intercoder agreement},
  pdf = {},
  postscript = {}

  author = {Massimo Poesio and Yulia Grishina and Varada Kolhatkar and Nafise Sadat Moosavi and Ina Rösiger and Adam Roussell and Alexandra Uma and Olga Uryupina and Juntao Yu and Heike Zinsmeister},
  title = {Anaphora Resolution with the ARRAU Corpus},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of NAACL-HLT: Workshop on Computational Models of Reference, Anaphora and Coreference},
  month = {June},
  year = {2018},
  address = {New Orleans, USA}

  author = {Uwe Reyle and Jasmin Saric and Philipp Cimiano Lavin and Heike Zinsmeister},
  title = {Ontology-driven disambiguation of syntactic and semantic ambiguities
	in GenIE},
  howpublished = {European Media Laboratory, Heidelberg},
  month = {November},
  year = {2002},
  note = {Poster at Workshop on Ontology for Biology}

	title = {Personal Noun Detection for German},
	url = {},
	pages = {33-39},
	booktitle = {Proceedings of the 19th Joint {ACL} - {ISO} Workshop on Interoperable Semantic Annotation ({ISA}-19)},
	author = {S{ö}kefeld, Carla and Andresen, Melanie and Binnewitt, Johanna and Zinsmeister, Heike},
	year = {2023},

  author = {Heike Zinsmeister},
  title = {Quality Assurance},
  howpublished = {Chapter 5 in: CLARIN-D User Guide. Version 1.0.1},
  month = {12},
  year = {2012},
  file = {CLARIN-D User                  Guide:[http//]:PDF},
  keywords = {gcl,clarin},
  pages = {46-48},
  url = {}

  author = {Heike Zinsmeister and Margit Breckle},
  title = {The {ALeSKo} learner corpus: design {--} annotation {--} quantitative
  booktitle = {Multilingual Corpora and Multilingual Corpus Analysis},
  publisher = {John Benjamins},
  year = {2012},
  editor = {Thomas Schmidt and Kai W{ö}rner},
  series = {Hamburg Studies in Multilingualism},
  pages = {71-96},
  address = {Amsterdam},
  keywords = {gcl,clarin}

  author = {Heike Zinsmeister and Ulrich Heid},
  title = {Collocations of Complex Words: Implications for the Acquisition with
	a Stochastic Grammar},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of the International Workshop on `Computational Approaches
	to Collocations'},
  year = {2002},
  address = {Wien},
  month = {Juli}

  author = {Zinsmeister, Heike and Ulrich Heid},
  title = {Identifying predicatively used adverbs by means of a {S}tatistical
	{G}rammar {M}odel},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of the Corpus Linguistics 2003 conference},
  year = {2003},
  editor = {Dawn Archer, Paul Rayson, Andrew Wilson and Tony McEnery},
  pages = {932-939},
  publisher = {UCREL, Lancaster University},
  keywords = {TFB, CorpLing, CorpLex},
  pdf = {}

  author = {Zinsmeister, Heike and Ulrich Heid},
  title = {Significant Triples: Adjective+Noun+Verb Combinations},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of Complex 2003},
  year = {2003},
  publisher = {Budapest},
  keywords = {TFB, CorpLex, CorpLing, Collocations},
  pdf = {},
  postscript = {}

  author = {Heike Zinsmeister and Ulrich Heid},
  title = {Collocations of complex nouns: Evidence for Lexicalization},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of KONVENS 2004},
  year = {2004}

  author = {Zinsmeister, Heike and Kuhn, Jonas and Dipper, Stefanie},
  title = {TIGER TRANSFER -- Utilizing LFG Parses for Treebank Annotations},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of the LFG02 Conference},
  year = {2002},
  editor = {Miriam Butt and Tracy Holloway King},
  pages = {427-447},
  publisher = {CSLI Publications},
  keywords = {ParGram,Treebanks,LFG,TIGER},
  pdf = {},
  postscript = {},
  url = {}

  author = {Zinsmeister, Heike and Kuhn, Jonas and Schrader, Bettina and Dipper,
  title = {{TIGER} {T}ransfer -- {F}rom {LFG} Structures to the {TIGER} {T}reebank},
  institution = {IMS, University of Stuttgart},
  year = {2001},
  keywords = {TIGER,Treebanks,ParGram},
  pdf = {},
  postscript = {},
  url = {}

  author = {Heike Zinsmeister and Marc Reznicek and Julia {Ricart Brede} and
	Christina Ros{é}n and Dirk Skiba},
  title = {Das Wissenschaftliche Netzwerk ``Kobalt-DaF''},
  journal = {Zeitschrift f{ü}r Germanistische Linguistik},
  year = {2012},
  volume = {40},
  pages = {457-458},
  number = {3},
  note = {Forschungsnotiz},
  keywords = {gcl,clarin}

  author = {Heike Zinsmeister and Melanie Seiss and Stefanie Dipper},
  title = {Abstract pronominal anaphors and label nouns in {G}erman and {E}nglish:
	{S}elected case studies and quantitative investigations},
  journal = {Themenheft zu Linguistics {--} Translation Studies {--} Machine Translation
	{--} what can we learn from each other? Translation: Computation,
	Corpora, Cognition},
  year = {2012},
  volume = {2},
  pages = {47-80},
  number = {1},
  keywords = {gcl,clarin},
  pdf = {},
  url = {}

  author = {Heike Zinsmeister and Eva Smolka},
  title = {Corpus-based evidence for approximating semantic transparency of
	complex verbs},
  booktitle = {Lexical Resources in Psycholinguistic Research.},
  publisher = {Universit{ä}tsverlag Potsdam},
  year = {2012},
  editor = {Kay-Michael W{ü}rzner and Edmund Pohl},
  volume = {3},
  series = {Potsdam Cognitive Science Series},
  pages = {45-59},
  address = {Potsdam},
  keywords = {gcl,clarin}