Bibliography of Vu, Ngoc Thang
- 2024
- Lux, Florian; Meyer, Sarina; Behringer, Lyonel; Zalkow, Frank; Do, Phat; Coler, Matt; Habets, Emanuël A. P.; Vu, Ngoc Thang
Meta Learning Text-to-Speech Synthesis in over 7000 Languages
in Interspeech 2024 pp. 4958-4962.
- Meyer, Sarina; Lux, Florian; Vu, Ngoc Thang
Probing the Feasibility of Multilingual Speaker Anonymization
in Interspeech 2024 pp. 4448-4452.
- Meyer, Sarina; Miao, Xiaoxiao; Vu, Ngoc Thang
VoicePAT: An Efficient Open-Source Evaluation Toolkit for Voice Privacy Research
IEEE Open Journal of Signal Processing 5:257-265.
- 2023
- Lux, Florian; Chen, Ching-Yi; Vu, Ngoc Thang
Combining Contrastive and Non-Contrastive Losses for Fine-Tuning Pretrained Models in Speech Analysis
in 2022 IEEE Spoken Language Technology Workshop (SLT) pp. 876-883.
- Lux, Florian; Koch, Julia; Meyer, Sarina; Bott, Thomas; Schauffler, Nadja; Denisov, Pavel; Schweitzer, Antje; Vu, Ngoc Thang
The IMS Toucan system for the Blizzard Challenge 2023
in Blizzard Challenge 2023.
- Lux, Florian; Koch, Julia; Vu, Ngoc Thang
Exact Prosody Cloning in Zero-Shot Multispeaker Text-to-Speech
in 2022 IEEE Spoken Language Technology Workshop (SLT) pp. 962-969.
- Lux, Florian; Tilli, Pascal; Meyer, Sarina; Vu, Ngoc Thang
Controllable Generation of Artificial Speaker Embeddings through Discovery of Principal Directions
in Proc. INTERSPEECH 2023 pp. 4788-4792.
- Meyer, Sarina; Lux, Florian; Koch, Julia; Denisov, Pavel; Tilli, Pascal; Vu, Ngoc Thang
Prosody Is Not Identity: A Speaker Anonymization Approach Using Prosody Cloning
in ICASSP 2023 - 2023 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP) pp. 1-5.
- Meyer, Sarina; Tilli, Pascal; Denisov, Pavel; Lux, Florian; Koch, Julia; Vu, Ngoc Thang
Anonymizing Speech with Generative Adversarial Networks to Preserve Speaker Privacy
in Proc. IEEE Spoken Language Technology Workshop (SLT) 2022 pp. 912-919 Doha, Qatar.
- 2022
- Arora, Siddhant; Dalmia, Siddharth; Denisov, Pavel; Chang, Xuankai; Ueda, Yushi; Peng, Yifan; Zhang, Yuekai; Kumar, Sujay; Ganesan, Karthik; Yan, Brian; Vu, Ngoc Thang; Black, Alan W; Watanabe, Shinji
ESPnet-SLU: Advancing Spoken Language Understanding through ESPnet
- Batliner, Anton; Neumann, Michael; Burkhardt, Felix; Baird, Alice; Meyer, Sarina; Vu, Ngoc Thang; Schuller, Björn W.
Ethical Awareness in Paralinguistics: A Taxonomy of Applications
International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction 0(0):1-18.
- Hamed, Injy; Denisov, Pavel; Li, Chia-Yu; Elmahdy, Mohamed; Abdennadher, Slim; Vu, Ngoc Thang
Investigations on speech recognition systems for low-resource dialectal Arabic-English code-switching speech
Computer Speech & Language 72.
- Lux, Florian; Koch, Julia; Vu, Ngoc Thang
Low-Resource Multilingual and Zero-Shot Multispeaker TTS
in Proceedings of the 2nd Conference of the Asia-Pacific Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics and the 12th International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing pp. 741-751.
- Meyer, Sarina; Lux, Florian; Denisov, Pavel; Koch, Julia; Tilli, Pascal; Vu, Ngoc Thang
Speaker Anonymization with Phonetic Intermediate Representations
in Proc. Interspeech 2022 pp. 4925-4929 Incheon, Korea.
- Meyer, Sarina; Tilli, Pascal; Lux, Florian; Denisov, Pavel; Koch, Julia; Vu, Ngoc Thang
Cascade of Phonetic Speech Recognition, Speaker Embeddings GAN and Multispeaker Speech Synthesis for the VoicePrivacy 2022 Challenge
in Proc. 2nd Symposium on Security and Privacy in Speech Communication Incheon, Korea.
- 2021
- Denisov, Pavel; Mager, Manuel; Vu, Ngoc Thang
IMS' Systems for the IWSLT 2021 Low-Resource Speech Translation Task
Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Spoken Language Translation (IWSLT 2021) pp. 175-181.
- Lux, Florian; Vu, Ngoc Thang
Meta-Learning for Improving Rare Word Recognition in End-to-End ASR
in IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP) pp. 5974-5978.
- 2020
- Denisov, Pavel; Vu, Ngoc Thang
Pretrained Semantic Speech Embeddings for End-to-End Spoken Language Understanding via Cross-Modal Teacher-Student Learning
Proceedings of Interspeech 2020 pp. 881-885.
- Li, Chia-Yu; Ortega, Daniel; Väth, Dirk; Lux, Florian; Vanderlyn, Lindsey; Schmidt, Maximilian; Neumann, Michael; Völkel, Moritz; Denisov, Pavel; Jenne, Sabrina; Kacarevic, Zorica; Vu, Ngoc Thang
ADVISER: A Toolkit for Developing Multi-modal, Multi-domain and Socially-engaged Conversational Agents
Proceedings of the 58th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics: System Demonstrations pp. 279-286.
- Stehwien, Sabrina; Schweitzer, Antje; Vu, Ngoc Thang
Acoustic and temporal representations in convolutional neural network models of prosodic events
Speech Communication 125:128-141.
- Yu, Xiang; Tannert, Simon; Vu, Ngoc Thang; Kuhn, Jonas
Fast and Accurate Non-Projective Dependency Tree Linearization
in Proceedings of the 58th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics pp. 1451-1462 Association for Computational Linguistics, Online.
- Yu, Xiang; Vu, Ngoc Thang; Kuhn, Jonas
Ensemble Self-Training for Low-Resource Languages: Grapheme-to-Phoneme Conversion and Morphological Inflection
in Proceedings of the 17th SIGMORPHON Workshop on Computational Research in Phonetics, Phonology, and Morphology pp. 70-78 Association for Computational Linguistics, Online.
- 2019
- Bao, Fang; Neumann, Michael; Vu, Ngoc Thang
CycleGAN-based Emotion Style Transfer as Data Augmentation for Speech Emotion Recognition
in Proceedings of Interspeech, Graz.
- Denisov, Pavel; Vu, Ngoc Thang
End-to-End Multi-Speaker Speech Recognition Using Speaker Embeddings and Transfer Learning
Proceedings of Interspeech 2019 pp. 4425-4429.
- Denisov, Pavel; Vu, Ngoc Thang
IMS-speech: A speech to text tool
Studientexte zur Sprachkommunikation: Elektronische Sprachsignalverarbeitung 2019 pp. 170-177.
- Jenne, Sabrina; Schweitzer, Antje; Zerbian, Sabine; Vu, Ngoc Thang
Phonological Error Detection for Pronunciation Training Using Neural Spectrogram Recognition
in Proceedings of International Congress of Phonetic Sciences (ICPhS) Melbourne.
- Jenne, Sabrina; Vu, Ngoc Thang
Multimodal Articulation-Based Pronunciation Error Detection with Spectrogram and Acoustic Features
in Proc. Interspeech 2019 pp. 3549-3553 Graz.
- Neumann, Michael; Vu, Ngoc Thang
Improving Speech Emotion Recognition with Unsupervised Representation Learning on Unlabeled Speech
in Proceedings of the International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), Brighton.
- Ortega, Daniel; Li, Chia-Yu; Vallejo, Gisela; Denisov, Pavel; Vu, Ngoc Thang
Context-aware neural-based dialog act classification on automatically generated transcriptions
in 2019 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP) pp. 7265-7269 IEEE.
- Yu, Xiang; Falenska, Agnieszka; Haid, Marina; Vu, Ngoc Thang; Kuhn, Jonas
IMSurReal: IMS at the Surface Realization Shared Task 2019
in Proceedings of the 2nd Workshop on Multilingual Surface Realisation (MSR 2019) pp. 50-58 Association for Computational Linguistics, Hong Kong, China.
- Yu, Xiang; Falenska, Agnieszka; Vu, Ngoc Thang; Kuhn, Jonas
Head-First Linearization with Tree-Structured Representation
in Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Natural Language Generation pp. 279-289 Association for Computational Linguistics, Tokyo, Japan.
- Yu, Xiang; Vu, Ngoc Thang; Kuhn, Jonas
Learning the Dyck Language with Attention-based Seq2Seq Models
in Proceedings of the 2019 ACL Workshop BlackboxNLP: Analyzing and Interpreting Neural Networks for NLP pp. 138-146 Association for Computational Linguistics, Florence, Italy.
- 2018
- Blohm, Matthias; Jagfeld, Glorianna; Sood, Ekta; Yu, Xiang; Vu, Ngoc Thang
Comparing Attention-Based Convolutional and Recurrent Neural Networks: Success and Limitations in Machine Reading Comprehension
in Proceedings of the 22nd Conference on Computational Natural Language Learning pp. 108-118 Association for Computational Linguistics, Brussels, Belgium.
- Denisov, Pavel; Vu, Ngoc Thang; Font, Marc Ferras
Unsupervised domain adaptation by adversarial learning for robust speech recognition
in Speech Communication; 13th ITG-Symposium.
- Neumann, Michael; Vu, Ngoc Thang
Cross-lingual and multilingual speech emotion recognition on English and French
in Proceedings of the International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), Calgary.
- Nguyen, Kim-Anh; Schulte im Walde, Sabine; Vu, Ngoc Thang
Introducing Two Vietnamese Datasets for Evaluating Semantic Models of (Dis-)Similarity and Relatedness
in Proceedings of the 16th Annual Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies pp. 199-205 New Orleans, LA, USA.
- Papay, Sean; Padó, Sebastian; Vu, Ngoc Thang
Addressing Low-Resource Scenarios with Character-aware Embeddings
in Proceedings of the NAACL Workshop on Subword and Character Level Models New Orleans, LA.
- Stehwien, Sabrina; Vu, Ngoc Thang; Schweitzer, Antje
Effects of Word Embeddings on Neural Network-based Pitch Accent Detection
in Proceedings of Speech Prosody 2018, Poznan.
- Yu, Xiang; Vu, Ngoc Thang; Kuhn, Jonas
Approximate Dynamic Oracle for Dependency Parsing with Reinforcement Learning
in Proceedings of the Second Workshop on Universal Dependencies (UDW 2018) pp. 183-191 Association for Computational Linguistics, Brussels, Belgium.
- 2017
- Jagfeld, Glorianna; Vu, Ngoc Thang
Encoding Word Confusion Networks with Recurrent Neural Networks for Dialog State Tracking
in Proceedings of the Speech-Centric Natural Language Processing Workshop @EMNLP Copenhagen, Denmark.
- Neumann, Michael; Vu, Ngoc Thang
Attentive Convolutional Neural Network based Speech Emotion Recognition: A Study on the Impact of Input Features, Signal Length, and Acted Speech
in Proceedings of Interspeech 2017, Stockholm.
- Nguyen, Kim Anh; Köeper, Maximilian; Schulte im Walde, Sabine; Vu, Ngoc Thang
Hierarchical Embeddings for Hypernymy Detection and Directionality
in Proceedings of the Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing pp. 233-243 Copenhagen, Denmark.
- Nguyen, Kim Anh; Schulte im Walde, Sabine; Vu, Ngoc Thang
Distinguishing Antonyms and Synonyms in a Pattern-based Neural Network
in Proceedings of the 15th Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics pp. 76-85 Valencia, Spain.
- Rösiger, Ina; Stehwien, Sabrina; Riester, Arndt; Vu, Ngoc Thang
Improving Coreference Resolution with Automatically Predicted Prosodic Information
in Proceedings of the First Workshop on Speech-Centric Natural Language Processing pp. 78-83 Association for Computational Linguistics, Copenhagen.
- Stehwien, Sabrina; Vu, Ngoc Thang
First step towards enhancing word embeddings with pitch accent features for DNN-based slot filling on recognized text
in Tagungsband der 28. Konferenz Elektronische Sprachsignalverarbeitung (ESSV 2017) pp. 194-201 Saarbrücken,Germany.
- Stehwien, Sabrina; Vu, Ngoc Thang
Prosodic Event Recognition using Convolutional Neural Networks with Context information
in Proceedings of Interspeech Stockholm, Sweden.
- Stiefel, Moritz; Vu, Ngoc Thang
Enriching ASR Lattices with POS Tags for Dependency Parsing
in SCNLP@EMNLP 2017 pp. 37-47 Association for Computational Linguistics.
- Yu, Xiang; Falenska, Agnieszka; Vu, Ngoc Thang
A General-Purpose Tagger with Convolutional Neural Networks
in Proceedings of the First Workshop on Subword and Character Level Models in NLP pp. 124-129 Association for Computational Linguistics, Copenhagen, Denmark.
- Yu, Xiang; Vu, Ngoc Thang
Character Composition Model with Convolutional Neural Networks for Dependency Parsing on Morphologically Rich Languages
in Proceedings of the 55th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 2: Short Papers) volume 2 pp. 672-678.
- 2016
- Çetinoglu, Özlem; Schulz, Sarah; Vu, Ngoc Thang
Challenges of Computational Processing of Code-Switching
in Proceedings of the Second Workshop on Computational Approaches to Code Switching pp. 1-11 Association for Computational Linguistics, Austin, Texas.
- Schweitzer, Antje; Vu, Ngoc Thang
Cross-Gender and Cross-Dialect Tone Recognition for Vietnamese
in Interspeech 2016 pp. 1064-1068.
- Stehwien, Sabrina; Vu, Ngoc Thang
Exploring the Correlation of Pitch Accents and Semantic Slots for Spoken Language Understanding
in Proceedings of Interspeech pp. 730-735 San Francisco, USA.