author = {Carletta, Jean and Kilgour, Jonathan and O'Donnell, Timothy and Evert,
Stefan and Voormann, Holger},
title = {The NITE Object Model Library for Handling Structured Linguistic
Annotation on Multimodal Data Sets},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the EACL Workshop on Language Technology and the Semantic
Web (3rd Workshop on NLP and XML, NLPXML-2003)},
year = {2003},
address = {Budapest, Hungary},
month = {April},
annot = {NITE, XML, corplex, multimodal corpora, object model},
pdf = {}
author = {Evert, Stefan and Carletta, Jean and O'Donnell, Timothy J. and Kilgour,
Jonathan and V{ö}gele, Andreas and Voormann, Holger},
title = {The NXT Object Model},
institution = {IMS, University of Stuttgart},
year = {2003},
month = {March},
note = {Version 2.1},
pdf = {},
postscript = {}
author = {Evert, Stefan and Voormann, Holger},
title = {NQL -- A Query Language for Multi-Modal Language Data},
institution = {IMS, University of Stuttgart},
year = {2003},
month = {March},
note = {Version 2.1},
pdf = {},
postscript = {}
author = {Gut, Ulrike and Milde, Jan-Torsten and Voormann, Holger and Heid,
title = {Querying Annotated Speech Corpora},
booktitle = {Speech Prosody 2004},
year = {2004},
pages = {569-572},
address = {Nara, Japan},
month = {March},
keywords = {speech corpora, quering, LeaP, NXT Search, NITE, TASX, TASX2NITE},
pdf = {}
author = {Ulrich Heid and Holger Voormann and Jan-Torsten Milde and Ulrike
Gut and Katrin Erk and Sebastian Pad{ó}},
title = {Querying both time-aligned and hierarchical corpora with NXT Search},
booktitle = {Proceedings of LREC-2004},
year = {2004},
pages = {1455 -- 1459},
address = {Lisboa},
organization = {LREC},
keywords = {corpus query, XML corpora, cross-level observations, corpora tools,
pdf = {}
title = {{TIGERS}earch User's Manual},
author = {Esther K{ö}nig and Wolfgang Lezius and Holger Voormann},
organization = {IMS, University of Stuttgart},
address = {Stuttgart},
year = {2003},
keywords = {TIGER,CorpLex},
url = {}
author = {Holger Voormann},
title = {{TIGERin - Grafische Eingabe von Suchanfragen in TIGERSearch}},
institution = {Fakult{ä}t Informatik, Universit{ä}t Stuttgart},
year = {2002},
type = {Diplomarbeit},
key = {Diplomarbeit},
keywords = {CorpLex,Treebank,German,TIGER}
author = {Holger Voormann and Wolfgang Lezius},
title = {{TIGERin - Grafische Eingabe von Benutzeranfragen f{ü}r ein Baumbank-Anfragewerkzeug}},
booktitle = {Proceedings der 6. Konferenz zur Verarbeitung nat{ü}rlicher Sprache
(KONVENS 2002)},
year = {2002},
editor = {Stephan Busemann},
address = {Saarbr{ü}cken},
keywords = {CorpLex,Treebank,German,TIGER},
pdf = {},
postscript = {}