author = {C.J. Rupp and Christian Rohrer and Kurt Eberle and Anne Schiller},
title = {{Lexicalised Transfer for the Verbmobil Demonstrator}},
note = ims,
month = {May},
year = {1994},
keywords = {VerbMobil}
author = {Michael Schiehlen and Christian Rohrer and C.J. Rupp and Anne Schiller},
title = {{Transfer in Verbmobil mit DRSen und einer bilingualen Begriffshierarchie}},
note = ims,
month = {June},
year = {1994},
keywords = {VerbMobil}
author = {Schiller, Anne},
title = {{DMOR} - {U}ser's {G}uide},
institution = {Universit{ä}t Stuttgart, Institut f{ü}r maschinelle Sprachverarbeitung},
year = {1994},
keywords = {TC,IMSLex}
author = {Schiller, Anne},
title = {{Deutsche Flexions- und Kompositionsmorphologie mit {PC-KIMMO}}},
booktitle = {{Proceedings, 1. {M}orpholympics, Erlangen, 7./8. M{ä}rz 1994}},
year = {1996},
editor = {Hausser, Roland},
address = {T{ü}bingen},
publisher = {Niemeyer},
keywords = {TC,IMSLex}
author = {Schiller, Anne and Teufel, Simone and St{ö}ckert, Christine and
Thielen, Christine},
title = {{V}orl{ä}ufige {G}uidelines f{ü}r das {T}agging deutscher {T}extcorpora
mit {STTS}},
institution = {Universit{ä}t Stuttgart, Institut f{ü}r maschinelle Sprachverarbeitung,
and Seminar f{ü}r Sprachwissenschaft, Universit{ä}t T{ü}bingen},
year = {1995},
keywords = {TC}
author = {Schiller, Anne and Thielen, Christine},
title = {{Ein kleines und erweitertes Tagset f{ü}rs Deutsche}},
booktitle = {{Tagungsberichte des Arbeitstreffens ``Lexikon + Text'', 17./18.
Februar 1994, Schlo{ß} Hohent{ü}bingen}},
year = {1995},
series = {Lexicographica Series Maior},
publisher = {Niemeyer, T{ü}bingen},
keywords = {TC}
author = {Schulze, Bruno M. and Heid, Ulrich and Gaschler, J. and Grefenstette,
G. and Rooth, Mats and Schiller, Anne and Schmid, Helmut and Teufel,
title = {Comparative State-of-the-Art Survey and Assessment Study of General
Interest Corpus-oriented Tools},
institution = {Universit{ä}t Stuttgart, Institut f{ü}r maschinelle Sprachverarbeitung},
year = {1994},
type = {DECIDE deliverable},
number = {D-1b},
address = {Stuttgart},
keywords = {DECIDE}