Bibliography of Kountz, Manuel

  • 2008
    • Eberle, Kurt; Heid, Ulrich; Kountz, Manuel; Eckart, Kerstin A tool for corpus analysis using partial disambiguation and bootstrapping of the lexicon in A. Storrer; A. Geyken; A. Siebert and K.-M. Würzner, editors, Text Resources and Lexical Knowledge: Selected Papers from the 9th Conference on Natural Language Processing KONVENS 2008 pp. 145-158 De Gruyter, Berlin.
    • Kountz, Manuel; Heid, Ulrich; Eckart, Kerstin A LAF/GrAF-based encoding scheme for underspecified representations of dependency structures in Proceedings of LREC-2008, Linguistic Resources and Evaluation Conference Marrakesh.
  • 2007
    • Kountz, Manuel; Heid, Ulrich; Spranger, Kristina Automatic sortal Interpretation of German Nominalisations with -ung. Towards using underspecified Representations in Corpora in Proceedings of Corpus Linguistics 2007 Birmingham: University of Birmingham, Birmingham, UK [CD-ROM, Website:].