Bibliography of Kamp, Hans 
- 2019
- Springorum, Sylvia; Kamp, Hans; Schulte im Walde, Sabine
Cognitive and Linguistic Aspects of Composition in German Particle Verbs
in Marianna Bolognesi and Gerard J. Steen, editors, Perspectives on Abstract Concepts: Cognition, Language, and Communication number 65 in Human Cognitive Processing pp. 185-214 John Benjamins, Amsterdam.
- 2011
- Kamp, Hans; Reyle, Uwe
Semantics: An International Handbook of Natural Language Meaning
chapter Discourse Representation Theory, pp. 872-919 de Gruyter.
- 2010
- Riester, Arndt; Kamp, Hans
Squiggly issues: alternative sets, complex DPs, and intensionality
in Maria Aloni; Harald Bastiaanse; Tikitu de Jager and Katrin Schulz, editors, Logic, Language and Meaning: 17th Amsterdam Colloquium, 2009, Revised Selected Papers pp. 374-383 Springer, Berlin.
- Roßdeutscher, Antje; Kamp, Hans
Syntactic and Semantic Constraints in the Formation and Interpretation of ung-Nouns
in A. Alexiadou and M. Rathert, editors, The Semantics of Nominalisations across Languages and Frameworks Interface Explorations 22 pp. 169-214 Mouton de Gruyter, Berlin.
- 2008
- Reyle, Uwe; Rossdeutscher, Antje; Kamp, Hans
Ups and downs in the theory of temporal reference
Linguistics and Philosophy 5:565-635.
- 2006
- Hamm, F.; Kamp, H.; van Lambalgen, M.
There is no opposition between formal and cognitive semantics
Theoretical Linguistics 32:1-40.
- 2005
- Kamp, Hans; van Genabith, Josef; Reyle, Uwe
Discourse Representation Theory
in Dov Gabbay and Franz Guenthner, editors, Handbook of Philosophical Logic Kluwer.
- Reyle, Uwe; Rossdeutscher, Antje; Kamp, Hans
Ups and Downs in the Theory of Temporal Reference
submitted to: Linguistics & Philosophy.
- 2004
- Dogil, Grzegorz; Ackermann, Hermann; Grodd, Wolfgang; Haider, Hubert; Kamp, Hans; Mayer, Jörg; Riecker, Axel; Röhm, Dietmar; Wildgruber, Dirk; Wokurek, Wolfgang
Brain dynamics induced by language production
in Thomas Pechmann and Christopher Habel, editors, Multidisciplinary Approaches to Language Production pp. 397-431 Mouton de Gruyter, Berlin.
- Kamp, Hans; Roßdeutscher, Antje
Comments on Kaplan's ``Demonstratives'' and Zimmermann's ``Tertiumne datur? Possessive Pronouns and the Bipartition of the Lexicon''
in Hans Kamp and Barbara Partee, editors, Context-Dependence in the Analysis of Linguistic Meaning chapter 28, pp. 431-458 Elsevier.
- 2002
- Dogil, Grzegorz; Riecker, Axel; Ackermann, Hermann; Wildgruber, Dirk; Mayer, Jörg; Haider, Hubert; Grodd, Wolfgang; Kamp, Hans
The Speaking Brain: a tutorial introduction to fMRI experiments in the production of speech, prosody and syntax
Journal of Neurolinguistics (15):59-90.
- 2001
- Kamp, Hans
The Importance in Presupposition
Abschlussband des sonderforschungsbereichs 340 Universität Stuttgart.
- Kamp, Hans
Presupposition Computation and Presupposition Justification: One Aspect of the Interpretation of Multi-Sentence Discourse
in Myriam Bras and Laure Vieu, editors, Semantic and Pragmatic Issues in Discourse and Dialogue Current Research in the Semantics-Pragmatics Interface chapter 3, pp. 57-84 Elsevier, Amsterdam.
- Kamp, Hans
Semantics and Pragmatics of Discourse an Dialogue: Experimenting with current theories
chapter Computation and Justification of Presuppositions Elsevier.
- Kamp, Hans
Talking and Thinking about Things
MIT Press.
- Kamp, Hans; Reyle, Uwe, editors
How we say WHEN it happens. Contributions to the theory of temporal reference in natural language
Max Niemeyer Verlag.
- Kamp, Hans; Schiehlen, Michael
Temporal Location in Natural Language
in Hans Kamp and Uwe Reyle, editors, How we say WHEN it happens. Contributions to the theory of temporal reference in natural language pp. 181-232 Max Niemeyer Verlag.
- Rohrer, Christian; Rossdeutscher, Antje; Kamp, Hans, editors
Linguistic Form and its Computation
CSLI Publications, Stanford, CA.
- 1999
- Kamp, Hans
What a linguist might want from a Logic of most and other generalized Quantifiers
in Hans-Jürgen Ohlbach and Uwe Reyle, editors, Logic and its Applications. Festschrift for Dov Gabbay. Part I. Kluwer.
- 1997
- Krause, Peter; Kamp, Hans; Rohrer, Christian (eds)
Ein UDRS-basiertes Semantikfragment f"ur das Deutsche. Dokumentation der Implementierung
Arbeitspapier des Sonderforschungsbereich 340 Institut für Maschinelle Sprachverarbeitung, Universität Stuttgart.
- van Eijck, Jan; Kamp, Hans
Representing Discourse in Context
in Johan van Benthem and Alice ter Meulen, editors, Handbook of Logic and Language pp. 179-238 North-Holland.
- 1996
- Kamp, Hans; Reyle, Uwe
A Calculus for First Order Discourse Representation Structures
Journal of Logic, Language, and Information pp. 297-348.
- Kamp, Hans; Roßdeutscher, Antje
Comments on Kaplan's ``Demonstratives'' and Zimmermann's ``Tertiumne datur? Possessive Pronouns and the Bipartition of the Lexicon''
in Hans Kamp and Barbara Partee, editors, Proceedings of the Prague and Bad Teinach Conference.
- 1995
- Kamp, Hans
Discourse Representation Theory
in J. Verschueren; J.-O. Östman and J. Blommaert, editors, Handbook of Pragmatics pp. 253-257 Benjamins.
- Kamp, Hans; Partee, Barbara
Prototype Theory and Compositionality
Cognition 57:129-191.
- Reyle, Uwe; Kamp, Hans; Rossdeutscher, Antje
Diskursrepräsentation: unterspezifiziert, lexikonbasiert
in J. Kilbury and R. Wiese, editors, Integrative Ansätze in der Computerlinguistik. Beiträge zur 5.Fachtagung des Sektion Computerlinguistik der DGfS Düsseldorf.
- 1994
- Kamp, Hans; Roßdeutscher, Antje
DRS-Construction and Lexically Driven Inference
Theoretical Linguistics 20(2/3):165-235.
- Kamp, Hans; Roßdeutscher, Antje
Remarks on Lexical Structure and DRS Construction
Theoretical Linguistics 20(2/3):97-164.
- 1993
- Kamp, Hans
Disambiguation in discourse
in M. Aurnague and M. Bras, editors, Proceedings of the Fourth Toulouse Workshop on the Verbalization of Space, Time and Motion.
- Kamp, Hans; Reyle, Uwe
From Discourse to Logic. Introduction to Modeltheoretic Semantics of Natural Language, Formal Logic and Discourse Representation Theory
Kluwer, Dordrecht.
- 1992
- Kamp, Hans; Rossdeutscher, Antje
Remarks on Lexical Structure, DRS Construction and Lexically Driven Inferences
Arbeitspapiere des Sonderforschungsbereichs 340: Sprachtheoretische Grundlagen der Computerlinguistik 21 Universität Stuttgart.
- 1991
- Kamp, Hans
On the Representation and Transmission of Information
in Frank Veltman, editor, Proceedings of the Dyana Workshop on Computational Linguistics Brüssel.
- Kamp, Hans
The Perfect and Other Tenses in French and English
pp. 41-64 Dyana Deliverable 2.3B.
- Kamp, Hans
Uniqueness Presuppositions and Plural Anaphora in DTT and DRT
in M. Stokhof an J. Groenendijk and D. Beaver, editors, Quantification and Anaphora I. pp. 177-195 Dyana Deliverable 2.2A.
- Kamp, Hans; Cooper, R.
Negation in situation semantics and discourse representation theory
in Jon Barwise adn Jean Mark Gawron; Gordon Plotkin and Syun Tutiya, editors, Situation Theory and its Applications volume 2 CSLI, Stanford.
- Roßdeutscher, Antje; Kamp, Hans
On the Form of Lexical Entries and their Use in the Construction of Discourse Representation Theory
in J. Halpern, editor, Verteilte Künstliche Intelligenz und Kooperatives Arbeiten, 4. GI-Konferenz, Wissensbasierte Systeme pp. 384-393 München.
- 1990
- Kamp, Hans
Comments on: J. Groenendijk and M. Stokhof, Dynamic Predicate Logic
in J. van Benthem, editor, Parial and Dynamic Semantics, Part I pp. 109-131 Dyana Deliverable 2.1A.
- Kamp, Hans
Prolegomena to a Structural Theory of Belief and Other Attitudes
in C. Anthony Anderson and Joseph Owens, editors, Propositional Attitudes CSLI Lecture Notes 20.
- 1989
- Asher, Nicholas; Kamp, Hans
Self-reference, Attitudes and Paradox
in Gennaro Chierchia; Barbara Partee and Raymond Turner, editors, Properties, Types and Meaning volume 1 Kluwer, Dordrecht.
- 1988
- Kamp, Hans
Comments on Stalnaker, Belief Attribution and Context
in R. Grimm and D. Merrill, editors, Contents of Thought pp. 156-181 University of Arizona Press.
- Kamp, Hans
Conditionals in DR Theory
in J. Hoepelman, editor, Representation and Reasoning pp. 66-124 Niemeyer, Tübingen.
- Kamp, Hans
Discourse Representation Theory: What it is and where it ought to go
in A. Bläser, editor, Natural Language and the Computer pp. 84-111 Springer, Berlin.
- 1987
- Kamp, Hans; Boenevac, D.
Quantifiers Defined by Parametric Extensions
Cognitive science center report University of Texas Austin.
- 1986
- Asher, Nicholas; Kamp, Hans
The knower's paradox and representational theories of attitudes
in J. Halpern, editor, Theoretical Aspects of Reasoning about Knowledge. Proceedings of the 1986 Conference, March 19-22, 1986, Monterey, California pp. 131-147 Morgan Kaufmann, Los Altos, California.
- 1985
- Kamp, Hans
Context, Thought and Communication
in Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society pp. 239-261.
- 1983
- Kamp, Hans
A Scenic Tour through the Land Of Naked Infinitives
- Kamp, Hans; Rohrer, Christian
Tense in Texts
in R. Bäuerle; Chr. Schwarze and A. von Stechow, editors, Meaning, Use and Interpretation of Language pp. 250-269 De Gruyter, Berlin.
- 1981
- Kamp, Hans
The paradox of the heap
in Uwe Mönnich, editor, Aspects of Philosophical Logic pp. 225-277 Reidel, Dordrecht.
- Kamp, Hans
Référence Temporelle et Représentation Du Discours
Language 64:39-64.
- Kamp, Hans
A Theory of Truth and Semantic Representation
in J. Groenendijk; T. Janssen and M. Stokhof, editors, Formal Methods in the Study of Language.
- 1980
- Kamp, Hans
Some Remarks on the Logic of Change. Part I
in Christian Rohrer, editor, Time, Tense and Qunatifiers. Proceedings of the Stuttgart Conference on the Logic of Tense and Quantification pp. 135-179 Niemeyer, Tübingen.
- 1979
- Kamp, Hans
Events, Instants and Temporal Reference
in Rainer Bäuerle; Urs Egli and Christoph Schwarze, editors, Semantics from different points of view pp. 376 -- 417 de Gruyter.
- Kamp, Hans
Kommentar zu Seurens ''Dreiwertige Logik und die Semantik Natürlicher Sprachen''
in Ballweg und Glinz, editor, Grammatik und Logik. Jahrbuch 1979 des Instituts für Deutsche Sprache pp. 103-114 Schwann, Düsseldorf.
- 1978
- Kamp, Hans
The Adequacy of Translation Between Formal and Natural Languages
in F. Guenthner and M. Guenthner-Reutter, editors, Meaning and Translation pp. 275-306 Duckworth, London.
- Kamp, Hans
Semantics versus Pragmatics
in Franz Guenthner and S. J. Schmidt, editors, Formal Semantics and Pragmatics for Natural Language pp. 255-287 Reidel, Dordrecht.
- 1975
- Kamp, Hans
The Philosophical Significance of Intensional Logic
in Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society pp. 21-44 suplementary Volume XXXLX.
- Kamp, Hans
Reference and Quantification in Tense and Model Logic
in S. Schmidt, editor, Pragmatics II pp. 150-197 Finck, München.
- Kamp, Hans
Two Theories about Adjectives
in E. Keenan, editor, Formal Semantics of Natural Languages pp. 123-155 Cambridge University Press.
- 1973
- Kamp, Hans
Free Choice Permission
in Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society volume LXXIV pp. 57-74 Methuen, London.
- 1971
- Kamp, Hans
Formal Properties of ``NOW''
Theoria 37:227 -- 273.
- 1967
- Kamp, Hans
system Development Corporation Report, 13 pages.