
  author = {F. Hamm},
  title = {Frame Semantics},
  booktitle = {The Cambridge Encyclopedia of the Language Sciences},
  publisher = {Cambridge University Press},
  year = {2009}

  author = {F. Hamm and H. Kamp and M. van Lambalgen},
  title = {There is no opposition between formal and cognitive semantics},
  journal = {Theoretical Linguistics},
  year = {2006},
  volume = {32},
  pages = {1-40}

  title = {Logics for Linguistric Structures},
  publisher = {Mouton de Gruyter},
  year = {2008},
  editor = {F. Hamm and S. Kepser},
  address = {Berlin}

  author = {F. Hamm and M. van Lambalgen},
  title = {Intensionality and Coercion},
  booktitle = {Intensionality, ASL Lecture Notes in Logic},
  publisher = {A. K. Peters},
  year = {2005},
  editor = {R. Kahle},
  address = {Natick, Mass.}

  author = {M. van Lambalgen and F. Hamm},
  title = {Moschovakis' Notion of Meaning as Applied to Linguistics},
  booktitle = {Logic Colloquium `01},
  publisher = {A. K. Peters},
  year = {2005},
  editor = {M. Baaz and S. Friedman and J. Kraj{i} v {c}},
  address = {Natick, Mass.}

  title = {The Proper Treatment of Events},
  publisher = {Blackwell},
  year = {2005},
  author = {M. van Lambalgen and F. Hamm},
  address = {Malden}