author = {Lukas Fromme},
title = {{Extending k-Means Clustering with Constraints to Classify Pairs of Semantic Relations}},
institution = {Institut f{ü}r Maschinelle Sprachverarbeitung, Universit{ä}t
year = {2016},
type = {Bachelorarbeit},
howpublished = {Bachelorarbeit},
key = {Bachelorarbeit},
keywords = {Studienarbeit, Bachelorarbeit, Abschlussarbeit}
author = {Lukas Fromme},
title = {{Growing the Hypothesis Space by Using n-Best Outputs at Multiple Pipeline Components}},
school = {Institut f{ü}r Maschinelle Sprachverarbeitung, Universit{ä}t Stuttgart},
year = 2019,
type = {Masterarbeit},
key = {Masterarbeit},
keywords = {Diplomarbeit, Masterarbeit, Abschlussarbeit}