title = {Deutsche und Franz{ö}sische Syntax im Formalismus der LFG},
publisher = {Niemeyer},
year = {1996},
author = {Judith Berman and Anette Frank},
volume = {344},
series = {Linguistische Arbeiten},
address = {T{ü}bingen},
keywords = {EUROTRA-D}
author = {Aljoscha Burchardt and Katrin Erk and Anette Frank and Andrea Kowalski
and Sebastian Pad{ó} and Manfred Pinkal},
title = {The SALSA corpus: a German corpus resource for lexical semant ics},
booktitle = {Proceedings of {LREC} 2006},
year = {2006},
address = {Genoa, Italy}
author = {Aljoscha Burchardt and Katrin Erk and Anette Frank and Andrea Kowalski
and Sebastian Pad{ó} and Manfred Pinkal},
title = {SALTO -- A Versatile Multi-Level Annotation Tool},
booktitle = {Proceedings of {LREC} 2006},
year = {2006},
address = {Genoa, Italy}
author = {Aljoscha Burchardt and Katrin Erk and Anette Frank and Andrea Kowalski
and Sebastian Pad{ó} and Manfred Pinkal},
title = {Using {FrameNet} for the Semantic Analysis of {G}erman: Annotation,
Representation, and Automation},
booktitle = {Multilingual FrameNets -- Practice and Applications},
publisher = {Mouton de Gruyter},
year = {2009},
editor = {Hans C. Boas},
pages = {209-244},
address = {Berlin}
author = {Aljoscha Burchardt and Sebastian Pad{ó} and Dennis Spohr and Anette
Frank and Ulrich Heid},
title = {Constructing Integrated Corpus and Lexicon Models for Multi-Layer
Annotations in {OWL DL}},
journal = {Linguistic Issues in Language Technology},
year = {2008},
volume = {1},
pages = {1-33},
number = {1}
author = {Aljoscha Burchardt and Sebastian Pad{ó} and Dennis Spohr and Anette
Frank and Ulrich Heid},
title = {Formalising Multi-layer Corpora in {OWL DL} -- Lexicon Modelling,
Querying and Consistency Control},
booktitle = {Proceedings of IJCNLP},
year = {2008},
address = {Hyderabad, India}
author = {Miriam Butt and Stefanie Dipper and Anette Frank and Tracy Holloway
title = {Writing Large-Scale Parallel Grammars for English, French, and German},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the {LFG99} Conference, Manchester, UK},
year = {1999},
editor = {Miriam Butt and Tracy Holloway King},
publisher = {CSLI Online Publications. { tt}},
keywords = {ParGram},
pdf = {},
postscript = {}
author = {Michael Dorna and Anette Frank and Josef van Genabith and Martin
C. Emele},
title = {Syntactic and Semantic Transfer with F-Structures},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Computational
Linguistics (COLING-ACL '98)},
year = {1998},
address = {Montreal, Canada},
month = {August},
keywords = {VerbMobil},
postscript = {}
author = {Anette Frank and Tracy H. King and Jonas Kuhn and John Maxwell},
title = {Optimality Theory Style Constraint Ranking in Large-scale {LFG} Grammars},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the LFG98 Conference, Brisbane, Australia},
year = {1998},
editor = {M. Butt and T. H. King},
series = {{CSLI} Proceedings Online { tt}},
keywords = {ParGram},
pdf = {},
postscript = {}
author = {Anette Frank and Sebastian Pad{ó}},
title = {Semantics in Computational Lexicons},
booktitle = {Handbook of Semantics},
publisher = {Mouton de Guyter},
year = {2012},
editor = {Claudia Maienborn and Klaus von Heusinger and Paul Portner},
volume = {3}
author = {Anette Frank and Uwe Reyle},
title = {How to Cope with Scrambling and Scope},
booktitle = {KONVENS 92. 1. Konferenz ``Verarbeitung nat{ü}rlicher Sprache''},
year = {1992},
editor = {G. G{ö}rtz},
series = {Informatik aktuell},
pages = {178-187},
address = {Berlin},
publisher = {Springer Verlag}
author = {Frank, Anette and Reyle, Uwe},
title = {Principle Based Semantics for {HPSG}},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the 6th Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics, European Chapter},
year = 1995,
address = {Dublin},
keywords = {SFB340},
postscript = {}
author = {Tracy Holloway King and Stefanie Dipper and Anette Frank and Jonas
Kuhn and John Maxwell},
title = {Ambiguity management in grammar writing},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the Workshop on Linguistic Theory and Grammar Implementation,
ESSLLI-2000, Birmingham, UK},
year = {2000},
editor = {Erhard Hinrichs and Detmar Meurers and Shuly Wintner },
pages = {5-19},
keywords = {ParGram},
pdf = {},
postscript = {}
author = {Reiter, Nils and Frank, Anette},
title = {{Identifying Generic Noun Phrases}},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the 48th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational
year = {2010},
pages = {40-49},
address = {Uppsala, Sweden},
publisher = {Association for Computational Linguistics},
url = {}
author = {Reiter, Nils and Hellwig, Oliver and Frank, Anette and Gossmann,
Irina and Larios, Borayin Maitreya and Rodrigues, Julio and Zeller,
title = {{Adapting NLP Tools and Frame-Semantic Resources for the Semantic
Analysis of Ritual Descriptions}},
booktitle = {Language Technology for Cultural Heritage: Selected Papers from the
LaTeCH Workshop Series},
publisher = {Springer Berlin / Heidelberg},
year = {2011},
editor = {Sporleder, Caroline and van den Bosch, Antal and Zervanou, Kalliopi
series = {Theory and Applications of Natural Language Processing},
pages = {171-193},
url = {}
author = {Dennis Spohr and Aljoscha Burchardt and Sebastian Pad{ó} and Anette
Frank and Ulrich Heid},
title = {Inducing a Computational Lexicon from a Corpus with Syntactic and
Semantic Annotation},
booktitle = {Proceedings of IWCS-7},
year = {2007},
address = {Tilburg, The Netherlands}