author = {Stefan Evert and Arne Fitschen},
title = {Textkorpora},
booktitle = {Computerlinguistik und Sprachtechnologie - {E}ine Einf{ü}hrung},
publisher = {Spektrum Akademischer Verlag},
year = {2001},
editor = {Kai-Uwe Carstensen and Christian Ebert and Cornelia Endriss and Susanne
Jekat and Ralf Klabunde and Hagen Langer},
pages = {369-376},
address = {Heidelberg, Berlin},
keywords = {CorpLex}
author = {Arne Fitschen and Wolfgang Lezius},
title = {Ein starkes {T}eam? {E}inf{ü}hrung in {XML} und {XSLT} ({T}eil
journal = {Der Entwickler 5/2001; Java Magazin 9/2001; LinuxEnterprise 5/2002},
year = {2001},
keywords = {CorpLex,XML},
pdf = {}
author = {Arne Fitschen and Wolfgang Lezius},
title = {Ein starkes {T}eam? {E}inf{ü}hrung in {XML} und {XSLT} ({T}eil
journal = {Der Entwickler 6/2001; Java Magazin 10/2001; LinuxEnterprise 6/2002},
year = {2001},
keywords = {CorpLex,XML},
pdf = {}
author = {Ulrich Heid and Bettina S{ä}uberlich and Arne Fitschen},
title = {Using Descriptive Generalisations in the Acquisition of Lexical Data
for Word Formation},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the 3rd Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation},
year = {2002},
volume = {IV},
pages = {86-92},
address = {Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain},
keywords = {DeKo,CorpLex,Lexikographie},
pdf = {},
postscript = {}
author = {Isard, A. and McKelvie, D. and Cappelli, B. and Dybkj{æ}r, L. and
Evert, S. and Fitschen, A. and Heid, U. and Kipp, M. and Klein, M.
and Mengel, A. and M{ø}ller, M.B. and Reithinger},
title = {Specification of Workbench Architecture - MATE Deliverable D3.1},
year = {1998},
month = {August},
keywords = {MATE,Deliverable}
author = {Wolfgang Lezius and Stefanie Dipper and Arne Fitschen},
title = {{IMSL}ex - Representing Morphological and Syntactical Information
in a Relational Database},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the 9th EURALEX International Congress, Stuttgart,
year = {2000},
editor = {Ulrich Heid and Stefan Evert and Egbert Lehmann and Christian Rohrer},
pages = {133-139},
keywords = {ParGram,IMSLex,CorpLex,Lexikographie},
pdf = {},
postscript = {}
author = {Wolfgang Lezius and Arne Fitschen},
title = {{XML} serviert im {N}etz - {D}aten verwalten und online pr{ä}sentieren
mit {XML}, {XSLT} und {J}ava {S}ervlets},
journal = {Java Magazin},
year = {2000},
pages = {91-95},
number = {7/2000},
month = {July},
keywords = {IMSBiblio,CorpLex,XML},
pdf = {}
author = {Wolfgang Lezius and Arne Fitschen and Ulrich Heid},
title = {{D}atenbankbasierte {P}flege und {V}erwaltung morphologischer {I}nformation
im {IMSL}ex},
booktitle = {Multilinguale Corpora - Codierung, Strukturierung, Analyse. 11. Jahrestagung
der Gesellschaft f{ü}r Linguistische DatenVerarbeitung},
year = {1999},
editor = {Jost Gippert and Peter Olivier},
pages = {122-131},
address = {Prag},
publisher = {Enigma corporation},
keywords = {CorpLex,IMSLex,Lexikographie},
pdf = {},
postscript = {}
author = {Anke L{ü}deling and Arne Fitschen},
title = {An Integrated Lexicon for the Automatic Analysis of Complex Words},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the Tenth EURALEX International Congress},
year = {2002},
volume = {I},
pages = {145-152},
address = {Copenhagen, Denmark},
keywords = {DeKo,IMSLex,CorpLex,Lexikographie}
author = {Helmut Schmid and Arne Fitschen and Ulrich Heid},
title = {SMOR: A German computational morphology covering derivation, composition,
and inflection},
booktitle = {Proceedings of LREC-2004},
year = {2004},
address = {Lisboa},
organization = {LREC}